Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sweet Story Is Antidote To Constant Dark News

Writers are always thinking about how stories work. Here's a real-life story that caught my attention.

Three years ago in Maryland, an 11-year-old boy was fishing with his buddy, who happened to be about five decades older. They were in coastal waters and found a floating bottle with $2 and a message in it. The message said, 'Pass it on.'

The boy wrote a different message and sent the bottle on a new trip by dropping it back into the Atlantic Ocean. That was in 2019.

Some time later, the boy's buddy died.

A few weeks ago, the bottle turned up on the coast of Ireland, 3200 miles away.

The people who found the bottle in Ireland had to do some detective work on Facebook to find the father of the boy who dropped the bottle into the ocean.

Now the boy and his family are going to travel to Ireland to see the beach where the bottle turned up. It'll be a fun trip and a fine way to remember the boy's older fishing friend.

Here's a link to the story:

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