Sunday, March 22, 2020

Second Edit On Next Owen McKenna

The book production pipeline is long. For me, about 18 months.

Each significant step stands out. I finished the first draft of my next book some months ago. My first editor (my wife, an expert at story flow and finding my sometimes-adolescent BS that needs to be deleted) handed me a marked-up stack of 400 pages. I dove in, did a rewrite, and sent the new version out to two more editors, story and sentence and paragraph and punctuation experts. I recently got those back.  These editors are all such a gift to a writer. Find what doesn't work. Figure out how it can work better. The pipeline flow continues.

I'll do another rewrite, then send the book off to my fourth editor. She'll identify the remaining problems, many of which I'll create as I try to fix past problems. I'll do another rewrite and send the book along to the next phase of publication. Come August, I have McKenna #18.

I like this new book. It's quite different than the previous McKenna adventures. I'll post details in coming weeks.

(For those who are curious how it works with an 18 month publication schedule, but a new book every 12 months, the answer is that I've already started writing the next book after this next book.)

Thanks for your interest.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear! Things this year occupied us so much I just realized that this is about the time you announce the almost completion of a book. Now to check in on your past blogs. Stay healthy!
