Sunday, August 25, 2019

Even Dogs Get Shut Out By Phones

We've all seen it, the couple or family at a restaurant, and one or more of them are on their phones. Anyone not on their phone, whether it's the husband or grandmother or little kid, is locked out of that world. They sit alone even as they should be part of the group.

It happens to dogs, too.

Dogs are very social and focused on people. It used to be that people were focused on dogs. Now it seems that people care more about what's on their phones. Dogs are shut out.

Maybe it's time that we rethink our priorities. Maybe a phone addiction should be treated like a cigarette addiction, limited to short periods of time, outside, away from other people and dogs. Others, people and dogs, don't want our secondhand smoke. They probably don't want our secondhand attention either.


  1. I stopped Instagram and am now rarely staring at my iPhone. Wish my kids would do the same!

    1. Some years back, I had to get a smart phone in order to process credit cards at book events. But we get no cell signal where we live in the mountains, a huge frustration for our neighbors. But for me... It's definitely an advantage!
