Sunday, October 16, 2022

What Is Crunch Time For Writers?

 Every year in the fall, I realize that I'm running out of time to finish my next book. If you want to have a book out by a particular date, you can't stretch time. You have to simply recognize the immutable laws of publishing. As measured by the calendar, the publishing pipeline is long. But if you don't put the book in the pipe by the deadline date, you won't have a book when you want it.

But what if it still isn't perfect? you ask.

As I've said many times, you'll never make it perfect. And done beats perfect every time.

Translation: Yes, you want the book to be good, but you have to get it done. So get typing.

As I stare at the looming date on the calendar, my wife often steps in to help. She does many things that make it so I can write uninterrupted. Ten pages a day. Maybe fifteen pages a day. The typewriter gets warm from use. The ribbon needs changing. But the pages pile up. I'm enormously grateful to her for her help.

Is it enough to finish the book on time?

Tune in next summer.

Do I have a title yet?

Sort of. It starts with TAHOE...

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